A Month in EGabriel Bootcamp

Navigating the .NET ecosystem can be cumbersome when starting with technologies and tools within the ecosystem. But a ton of advantages tend to present themselves when a beginner or a learner at a certain experience level is being guided by someone with a bit more experience than his. Noticeable levels of accelerated growth and understanding, ethics and approaches to problem-solving are seen

In that light, with experienced mentors and coordinators of the bootcamp, the past month has been eventful. From learning and exploring new concepts to coding challenges, mini projects, getting to work in a team and a bunch of other stuff. I have had to work on two projects, one of which was a Banking App (completely console based), that allowed me to practice and understand file streams, reading and writing to files, and application of conditionals, directories and methods to manipulate them.

The second project was a Library Management System that allows for managing publishers, authors and their books. The project type used for this was Web APIs ( uses Swagger UI as the default API UI view in the browser). Since APIs are a used way of allowing communication between the front and backend, a task (the above given) to improve our understanding of how APIs work and are built was necessary. From the task, I was able to learn about DTOs (Data transfer objects), One to Many and Many to Many relationships and how to implement them using EF(Entity Framework) ORM, AutoMapper for mapping between models and DTOs, DI and a ton of other cool things.

Working together as a team of 4, allowed for sharing of knowledge, and offering assistance for tasks given, and it is amazing to see how supportive they are and always ready to offer a helping hand. Git and GitHub are being used for collaboration.

In summary, looking at my expectations penned down for the bootcamp, it is self-fulfilling to see that the past month has produced results, that are in alignment with my expectations. And I hope to accomplish more of that in the upcoming weeks and months